Tips For Choosing The Perfect Haircut

If you are tired of the way your hair looks and are ready for a new look, you might want to choose a completely different haircut than you have ever had before. Choosing a new haircut can be exciting, but it can also be scary too, and you should make sure you take time to research what hairstyle would look good on you. Here are some tips to help you choose the perfect hairstyle. Read More 

5 Reasons It May Be Worthwhile To Invest In A Shampoo Bowl & Cabinet

If you are in the process of purchasing new equipment for your salon, you may want to invest in a shampoo bowl with a built-in cabinet. Here are five reasons why this type of salon equipment may make sense for you. #1 Lightweight & Movable One of the big advantages of a shampoo bowl that can be set in a cabinet is that the bowl is generally really light. That means you can easily pick up the bowl and move it to another location if necessary. Read More 

Before, During, and After: What to Know About Facial Waxing

Women with facial hair fight a constant battle to keep their secret. This usually means using a variety of products and keeping tweezers close at hand. Shaving, tweezing, and depilatory creams all work but have many side effects. Shaving can make the facial hair look thicker and darker, and tweezing is time consuming and nearly impossible if the hair is thick. Creams are harsh, and many women suffer allergic reactions and burns when using the products. Read More 

Great Leave-In Conditioner Ingredients For Curly Hair

Having curly hair can come with additional hurdles. Since it is harder for your natural oils to work their way down the strands, you may find your hair becomes dry easily. Also, the curlier your hair, the more it loves to tangle. Leave-in conditioners are essential to keep your hair moisturized, thereby reducing tangles. Aloe Vera Juice Aloe vera juice has numerous benefits for your hair. It is moisturizing and can help protect your hair from the sun. Read More 

Why More And More Americans Are Being Treated For Melanoma Skin Cancer Disease

Skin cancer researchers continue to target the rising numbers of skin cancer patients in America as they try to neutralize this very dangerous trend. They are particularly concerned about findings that indicate skin cancers in total outnumber combined incidences of other cancers such as prostate, lung, colon and breast cancers. More and more Americans are being treated for melanoma skin cancer disease. Troubling Trend in Melanoma Skin Cancer Care Melanoma experts are dismayed that they are in essence losing their battle in the rising figures of patients who are afflicted with this condition. Read More