Before, During, and After: What to Know About Facial Waxing

Women with facial hair fight a constant battle to keep their secret. This usually means using a variety of products and keeping tweezers close at hand. Shaving, tweezing, and depilatory creams all work but have many side effects. Shaving can make the facial hair look thicker and darker, and tweezing is time consuming and nearly impossible if the hair is thick. Creams are harsh, and many women suffer allergic reactions and burns when using the products. Laser hair removal is expensive, and scarring is possible, especially with darker skin. All of these reasons are why so many women consider waxing. Unfortunately, the worry of pain and other potential problems may cause them to forget the idea and remain with their less effective routines. Here is what they should know. 

Before the Appointment

Avoid scheduling an appointment within three days of the start of a menstrual cycle. This is when women are more sensitive to pain. Avoid sun exposure the day before because it can make the skin more sensitive, and forgo coffee prior to the appointment because caffeine may also increase the sensation of pain. Auto-immune diseases make the skin more at risk of burns and acne, and other skin conditions could be aggravated by the wax. Speak to a doctor or dermatologist before waxing when these issues are present. 

During the Appointment

Reputable salons that perform women's face waxing are careful about hygiene and safety. They do not reuse wax or double-dip any applicator into the container, and the technician will wear gloves during the service. Only licensed cosmetologists should perform a waxing treatment. The wax should feel warm when it is applied, not hot. There will be some discomfort when the wax is removed, but there should never be any bruises or bleeding after the service. 

After the Appointment

The salon will usually provide the client with a cooling gel for the waxed area. This will help to soothe any discomfort and hydrate the skin. The skin will remain red for a period of time. Some women experience only redness for a few minute, and some have it last for a few hours, depending on the sensitivity of their skin. It is important to stay out of the sun or wear an adequate amount of sunblock during the first day or two after the skin is waxed. Continue to apply an aloe-based moisturizer for the first 24 hours to keep the area from becoming too dry.

Long-term waxing often results in thinner and finer patches of hair. Most women discover that repeated sessions are less uncomfortable than their first few waxing attempts. The results will last according to how fast each person's hair grows. This generally means between 2 and 8 weeks. Waxing is generally safe and simple if it is done by an experienced technician. Contrary to some rumors, waxing does not stretch the skin enough to cause wrinkles. 
